body story


A somatic healing experience.

Show Me How to Write to Heal

Your body holds suppressed emotions.
And its silence is hurting you.

You know journaling is supposed to help you feel peace in your why do you feel such anxiety around the idea of tuning into your body and writing what it holds?

You probably fear that if you're as honest as you know you need (and want) to be, you'll feel flooded and vulnerable.

It’s okay to feel that fear. It’s normal. After all, you’ve never been shown how to release trapped energy from your body in a way that heals, not hurts.

You want peace in your body, but without the how of journaling out trauma energies and emotions you're suppressing, it feels completely impossible.

I've felt that despair, too.

I was triggered, dissociated, flared, anxious, and felt hatred toward my body for years.

I was filled with suppression, holding experiences I hadn't processed, responses I never got to have, emotions I was swallowing about things that happened and how difficult my highly sensitive body has always been to live in. I knew if I didn't allow myself honest release of those things, that I would stay outside of my body with no love for it and no peace, because that's exactly what suppressed emotion and trapped trauma energies do to us: they make our bodies feel unsafe. They burn us up, physically and energetically. 

I’ve endured complex trauma and covert narcissistic abuse, and lived with chronic mind/body conditions all my life. It was my own hurting that brought me to the Body Story solution.

Jennifer Arnspiger Certified Somatic Writing Coach resolve somatic trauma through writing and 1:1 coaching
Work with Jennifer Arnspiger body writing Highly Sensitive Healing 1:1 somatic trauma coach

At a loss for what else to try, I wrote.

I wrote to my body and gave my body a voice and through that, was able to honor what my body held and finally feel peace inside my skin.

After writing Body Story, journaling through the experience myself and hearing from the hundreds of womxn who've been helped by this same method, I know one thing for certain:

Honoring our feelings and writing the truths our bodies hold is what makes it possible to feel peace in our highly sensitive bodies.

This Is The Guidance My Body Craves

A highly sensitive body doesn't heal by being ignored or waited out. It heals by having its experience honored. And through that honoring, we find a peace inside that stays.

A highly sensitive body doesn't heal by being ignored or waited out. It heals by having its experience honored. And through that honoring, we find a peace inside that stays.

Exactly what you get with Body Story

A self-paced, choose your intensity level journaling experience.

Body Story is a signature system unlike any other. Part online course and part guided journaling prompts, Body Story will show you how to resolve trauma energies through the process of Body Writing.

23 Days Of Intuitively Guided Journaling Prompts
An introduction to somatic writing through my signature process, Body Writing
Daily Emails from me (Jennifer) a Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Coach, Somatic Writing Coach and highly sensitive INFJ empath
Forever access to all course, journaling, and prompt materials so you can return to your Body Story experience again in the future as you continue to heal
testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing
testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing
testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing
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One payment of $197

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Two Payments of $111

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The aftereffect of writing somatically to heal?

Womxn who write through Body Story report feeling...

Lighter in their body

> Released

> Safe to connect with their body

> Peace inside their body

> Much more compassion toward their body

Over our 23 days together (or longer, as your timing is entirely up to you) you will learn to…

> Journal to and from your body for healing

> Process emotions and energies that've been lodged in your tissues, organs and body

> Resolve feelings of distance, resentment or fear toward your body

> Integrate trapped trauma energies

> Find a peace inside yourself that stays.

Hate those sales pages that make aaall the promises…Only to underdeliver on the paid side of the fence? Me too.

Body Story is
not that sort of fabricated miracle fluff. Nor is it a course to purchase and forget about on your “to-do-someday” list. Body Story is a guided, active healing experience you move through at your own pace, and you should be prepared to hold space for massive shifts – in how you relate to yourself and your deeply sensitive body.


testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing
Jennifer Arnspiger testimonial for Highly Sensitive Healing 1:1 somatic trauma coach
testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing
Jennifer Arnspiger testimonial for Highly Sensitive Healing 1:1 somatic trauma coach
testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing
Jennifer Arnspiger testimonial for Highly Sensitive Healing 1:1 somatic trauma coach
testimonial for Jennifer Arnspiger resolve somatic trauma through writing

Body Story is an experience unlike any other.

Prepare to be guided through powerful transformation, while being held, seen and validated for the highly sensitive deep feeler that you are, with the body that can be really hard to love.

While trauma-informed, Body Story is intended only for womxn who feel ready to heal deep, unresolved trauma energies and painful narratives. If you feel called to take this step, I hope you'll trust where that's coming from in you. We (your body and me as your guide) have really and truly got you.

Join Hundreds Of Healing Womxn Inside Body Story
Work with Jennifer Arnspiger body writing Highly Sensitive Healing 1:1 somatic trauma coach

I purchase… and then what?

Once you complete your purchase, your first day’s exercise (writing prompt and instructions) will land directly in your email inbox so you can start journaling today. Each day for 23 days, I'll email you a new writing prompt and guidance so you can continue your somatic journaling work - a process I call
Body Writing. 

You will have forever access to Body Story, so you can take as long as you wish to journal through the prompts. You’ll also be able to return to any of the prompts in the future should you crave deeper layers of trauma integration and release.

I’m Ready, Let’s Begin

Who is she to teach me how to heal?

I’m glad you asked.

I'm Jennifer - Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Coach, Somatic Writing Coach and highly sensitive INFJ empath.

I've been helping deeply sensitive womxn resolve somatic trauma and come home to their bodies by writing what their bodies hold since 2019.

I am a highly sensitive covert narcissistic abuse and cptsd survivor, and lived with chronic conditions for most of my life before learning to feel safe in my deeply sensitive body.

My work as a Somatic Coach centers self-exploratory writing that gives honest voice to what your body holds. I have a gift for helping sensitive womxn explore and express their deepest feelings. Through the guidance of Body Story, I'll show you how to process, integrate and heal trauma energies, suppressed emotions and energetic charge, so you can feel peace inside and love toward your highly sensitive body.

Jennifer Arnspiger Certified Somatic Writing Coach resolve somatic trauma through writing and 1:1 coaching

We walk this path together through a safe, trauma-informed approach so you never have to be afraid of what you’ll find. 

Let's start your journey for peace in your body that stays.

You’re speaking to my soul →

The Body Story Promise

100% Money Back Guarantee


I’m here to help you heal - absolutely no hidden agenda. If you write through every exercise in this course and don't feel any lighter or more lovingly connected with your body by the time you finish, I will refund your entire investment, no questions asked. 

join today, risk-free
Work with Jennifer Arnspiger body writing Highly Sensitive Healing 1:1 somatic trauma coach

Questions about Body Story?

This Is The Healing My Body Craves